Reading Review Question #6

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    How has the development of the suburb in the United States impacted our transportation system in this country?

    (from week 8)

    Hakeem Bakare

    The development of Railroads and Highways impacted our transportation system in our country.


    We have build/mold our cities and suburbs around transportation system, such as highways, railroads, buses, trains and airports. Transportation has become an integral part of our life, we depend on it so much that it has become part of out daily life basics. People who can’t afford a car in the city, are the ones the relay the most on public transportation, people who live on suburbs relay only on buses because there’s no MTA trains system on suburbs.

    Callahan J Smith

    All of the larger cities in the United States have public transportation that take you from an urban environment to a suburban environment. This provides a bridge from the two developed ecological environments and blends the two. How this ties back to solely the suburbs is that it is easy to access other suburbs and urban/rural environments as well. It’s provided diversity amongst potentially past close knit suburbs since everyone can drive/fly/train anywhere they would like to go.

    Jose Diaz

    There are many reasons why the development of suburbs impacted transportation. One reason I can agree with was the ability to buy peace and quiet. In post WWII America, the economy was growing at a pace never seen before. Returning soldiers were able to buy homes for very cheap making it possible for families to buy other things like vehicles which made them incorporate the design of homes that include carports, garages and driveways. The development of refrigeration made it possible for families to live comfortably in southwestern states where weather conditions were unbearable thus prompting president Eisenhower to construct a network of controlled-access highways know as the Interstate Highway system.

    Bryan Hauptman

    The development of suburbs impacted transportation in the United States because it created plenty of affordable housing in a single area and made it so cars would be required so that the people would need to buy tons of gas which means more money for the government.

    Stanley Tillery

    The development of the suburbs impacted transportation in the United States by creating a necessity for cars, that is just one example. But with suburbs coming alive these particular areas were isolated from urban areas which led to a more commercial business for transportation.


    I think it makes the subways more crowded because the developed suburb will attract more people to move in and use the subways. The pricing of fair will also go up because of the money spent to develop the suburb will be made back by increasing the fair because of course the subways in those areas will be refurbished as well. Also that means longer weekend train delays because of subway construction work.

    Danny Wu

    The development of the suburb in the United States has impacted our transportation system in this country by making many comfortable houses to live in for people in a unique zone. By doing so, numerous cars on that area would be appearing on the streets and the people have to afford to buy gasoline to be able to continue to go to their destination that they desire and reaching to go. Therefore that means that, the government will be accumulated of money for doing that profit.

    jane kauapirura

    The development of the suburbs brings in more money for the state. The suburbs do not have much access to public transportation, which means car owners will use more money for gas. More people will use public transportation so the fares will keep on getting higher.


    The development of the suburbs in the United States impacted our society by buildingĀ  new roads, highways,bridges and railroads. All this thing helps public transportation to be better.

    Shamsunnahar Rimi

    The development of the suburb in the United States has impacted our transportation system by makeing the situation for people to buy more cars which make them to spend more money on gasoline. The railway and highway will be more developed which risen up the fares. The development of the suburbs will led more people to move there which brings more money to the government.

    Gale Mirasol

    The development of the suburb in the United States impacted our transportation system in this country since people who live in the suburb have no access or limited access to public transportation, which means having a car is an essential to them in order to get to places. So this also affects the requirements of transport infrastructures, such as highways and bridges.

    kasandra reid

    “How has the development of the suburb in the United States impacted our transportation system in this country?”

    The suburbs became increasingly interesting to those of the higher class and Caucasian people in the 50’s. Highways and roadways were created including the Bronx expressway. Two family homes were booming and people were forced to purchase more automobiles.

    Arturo Gonzales

    The development of the suburb was beneficial to the country but demanding on the transportation system. For the first time people had to start driving longer commutes, and this pushed the transportation industry to have to accommodate by building more highways, railways and roads to relieve traffic.

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