Reading Review Question #10

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    Explain the concept of neoliberalism. Do you think this is a good or bad policy?

    (from week 13)

    Hakeem Bakare

    Neoliberalism is a form of liberalism tending to favor free market capitalism. I think this is a bad policy because it was an old policy and i don’t believe it can keep up with the modern policies we have now.


    Neoliberalism is a term use to identify different societies as well as different economic ideas. This term was first used by a group of liberals who helped shape the economy of our social market in the mid 20th century. This form of liberalism tend only to favor free market capitalism. Neoliberalism only focus on 3 things; free trade in services and natural resource, free circulation and freedom of investments. I think this is a bad policy because it only benefit one party, while the one receive nothing in exchange, “make the rich, richer and make the poor poorer’, I also things is an old policy that needs an update in order to keep up with our modern policy, if not it should be taken away.

    xiaoting huang

    Neoliberalism is an economic system that is based on the idea of the free market. It advocates little government involvement and regulation. I think this is a bad policy. Because, In the United States neoliberalism is destroying welfare programs; attacking the rights of labor (including all immigrant workers); and cutbacking social programs.

    Jose Diaz

    Neoliberalism is a 20th century economic idea related to the 19th century idea laissez-faire economic system in which private businesses should be free from government regulation, privileges, tariffs, free trade and subsidies. I do agree with this economic system but only in a case by case scenario. In some cases, government needs to intervene to protect the well being of the people.


    Kimberly Medina

    Neoliberalism is a modified form of liberalism tending to favor free-market capitalism. I don’t think it’s a good idea since it gives too much power to the people. In one way that isn’t seen as completely terrible, but not all people are considered to be”good” people. Therefore making this not the best of ideas.

    Bryan Hauptman

    Neoliberalism is a form of free-market capitalism in which private businesses are free from the government having to regulate them. I agree and disagree with Neoliberalism, I agree because certain businesses would not exactly work to well with too much government interference such as comic book and video game sellers, and I disagree because certain businesses could be doing some extremely shady things behind the government’s back and the government needs to stop that ASAP. (ASAP = As soon as possible)

    Lalita Khemraj

    Neoliberalism in a 20th century economic policy that promoted the idea of free market competition. Under this policy economic control is shifted from the public sector to the private sector, and minimal government intervention in economic affairs and commitment to freedom of trade and capital is emphasized. While this policy would be good for small business owners, the privatization of social welfare programs, like education and health insurance, will lead to private companies reaping the rewards while every day citizens face more hardships.

    Stanley Tillery

    Neoliberalism as supposed is a political theory of the late 1900s that personal liberty is maximized by limiting the interference of government in free market enterprise. I strongly attest that this policy is not bad at well. A citizen should feel like their business, should not be monitored by the federal government.

    Sara González

    Neoliberalism is certain individuals that want free-market in the US. They want a growth in the economy but to only benefit themselves, and not have the government intervene. They want to live life like the Capitalist did, in today’s day in age. In my opinion, I don’t agree with this policy because it does not benefit the class I fall under and if this went into place the middle and lower class will only continue to go down. There would be no hope for us. But I’m sure that if I was well off I know this would benefit me from getting richer.

    Danny Wu

    The concept of neoliberalism is based on free-market capitalism. This is a bad policy on my perspective point of view because it gives too much power to the people in the community. So, some people might use it as an advantage to do horrible things that can damage the society. In the other hand, humble people won’t harm anyone and instead they will help them. Thus, this idea is not a big solution to have enough power for the people to have it because everybody are not equal of thinking deeply of it of the positive and negative sides or ways of the used of it


    Neoliberalism is a theory which proposes that human being can be advanced by the maximization of entrepreneurial freedom within an institutional framework characterized by private property rights, individual liberty, unencumbered markets and free trades. I think it is dangerous because it gives to much power to the capitalist class and takes away power from general public.

    jane kauapirura

    Neoliberalism is a modified form of liberalism tending to favor free-market capitalism. I think this is a bad thing because it does not give everyone a chance to be highly successful. Greedy and crooked people can take advantage of this type of system.

    Mehedi H Shohag

    Neo means there is making a new kind of liberalism. Neoliberalism is a set of economic policy which creates free market enterprise or private market enterprise. I think its a pretty bad idea because one class of people will have much power and they will have the full control to change or make rules. Then working class people will be in trouble and the capitalism will take advantage of it.


    Neoliberalism is a form of liberalism, which ideology and policy model emphasizes the value of free market. I think its a bad idea. Because only  wealthy people will have the power and only they can take advantage of it. This will be very unfair to the other groups of people.

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